We all stand to benefit from a more inclusive workplace.

Our Services

  • One-on-One coaching partnerships support founders and executives to navigate their leadership journey with courage and curiosity.

  • Virtual training sessions and cohort-based group learning programs support leaders who are ready to step up together to affect change.

  • Conflict transformation supports co-founders and executives to build trust by transforming painful interpersonal dynamics into effective working relationships.

Coaching Partnerships

One-on-One coaching partnerships support you to navigate work and life with courage and curiosity. I offer coaching programs for CEOs, founders, executives, and community leaders. I am an ICF-certified coach, seasoned facilitator, entrepreneur, and culture leader. I support my clients to create powerful practices that strengthen their relationships, accelerate their growth, and amplify their impact.

Group Facilitation

Virtual training sessions and cohort-based group learning programs support leaders who are ready to step up together. I help leaders communicate, collaborate, and innovate more effectively by leveraging the full creative power of their people. Through personal storytelling, embodied awareness, and actionable empathy, I help teams build trust and navigate complex change together. One of my specialties is engaging male leaders meaningfully in equity work.

Conflict Transformation

Conflict transformation supports co-founders and executives to build trust by transforming painful interpersonal dynamics into effective working relationships. I utilize my background in Nonviolent Communication and Restorative Justice practices to create facilitated spaces where leaders can listen, feel heard, and work together to move through conflict. I help you break through relational stuckness so you can reconnect, grow, and get back to the work of running your business.

What Clients Are Saying

“We recently brought Dan in to run story workshops with 1,500 leaders in our organization. Prior to the workshops, Dan coached five of our C-level executives to share their stories from the stage. We really enjoyed working with Dan; he did a great job with our executives, was easy to work with, and the audience enjoyed his presentation.”

-HR Leader and event organizer

“Dan was tremendously helpful to me as I wrestled with significant leadership dilemmas. He listened, helped me to reflect, and caused me to move forward in a more constructive and non-defensive manner. I felt both validated by Dan and also challenged by him. We talked about serious matters but not in an overburdened way. I would highly recommend Dan as a coach who partners with you when you may need it the most.”

— Neal

“Let me start by saying that I am very choosy about who I hire as a coach. I will also say that I am so happy I hired Dan. His heart and soul commitment to me as a client felt wonderful, and his ability to reflect the important details of our conversations proved very useful. It has been a great experience working with Dan. And, I would endorse him to be a valuable member of anybody’s Jedi Council.”

— Titus

DEI Client Case Study

In early 2021, I partnered with a Black and Indigenous woman of color DEI leader in a 100+ person consulting organization to engage white men effectively in her DEI initiatives. I was brought in to lead learning spaces for white men in the organization due to my expertise as a facilitator and the experience I’ve gained through personal exploration of my identity and its connection to equity and inclusion work.

I ran a White Men’s Caucus Group with 8 white male leaders over 6+ months, where I facilitated the group sessions and also worked to build up internal leadership and facilitation capacity. We explored the ‘white male lens’, dove into a deeper understanding of systemic inequality, built bonds of trust with each other, and practiced actionable empathy with marginalized groups. Eventually, I stepped out. The group continues to meet to this day.

I coached many of the white male leaders 1:1 in addition to the group learning space. In these spaces, I supported leaders to notice some of the internal blocks, emotions, and narratives relating to engaging in DEI work. Together, we transformed limiting beliefs, grounded in an empowered self-narrative, and moved toward meaningful and accountable action. Leaders often processed and deepened their learning from group sessions in our 1:1 coaching work.

Our time together is incredibly powerful. Our ability and choice to hold space for each other to bring whatever is on our minds and hearts into a space of active listening and collaboration have been transformative for me. We’re not trying to solve things here; we’re just sharing. We do some strategizing together, but it’s rare to be in a space with a bunch of dudes where sharing without solving can actually happen.
— White Men's Caucus Group participant

Let’s explore a partnership.